Publication & Resources

At Reliance, we are committed to being open and transparent about what we do and how we are performing. We also provide access to some of our core policies.

Complaints Policy
Data Protection Policy
EDI Policy
Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy
Anti-Bribery & Fraud Policy
Safeguarding Policy – Adult
Safeguarding Policy – Child
Repairs & maintenance policy
Repairs & maintenance policy supported housing
Anti Social Behaviour
Allocations Policy
Social Housing Welcome Pack
Non Social Housing (Supported Accommodation) Welcome Pack
Social Housing - Self Assesment 2024

Join our residents' panel

Our residents' panel is an opportunity for you to have your voice heard at a senior level within Reliance. You can tell us your views about the services and issues that matter to you, and we'll listen to your feedback and look for ways to improve. We'll give you regular updates on what changes have been made as a result of that feedback.

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